
Monday, 24 May 2010

Crazily Overdue.

Not only have I managed to completely miss my blogging birthday (in April) but it seems that I also managed to completely forget about my list of Thirty Things To Do While I'm Thirty and having now turned 31 (in April!) a review is long overdue. Don't you think?

Here's the list -

1. Start running again and enter the Liverpool 10k. (I've started running, but no 10k race - yet!)
2. Complete my photography portfolio for my Beginners Photography course. (Check.)


3. De-clutter, de-stash and stick with the Use What You Have philosophy as far as possible. (See Waste Not Wednesday.)
4. Drink more water. (Check.)
5. Start a blog. (I'd already done it. Check.)
6. Throw a big garden party.
7. Spruce up the garden in preparation for the garden party!
8. Go camping and sleep under the stars.
9. Go to the fairground. Yeah baby. (Check.)
10. Make these lovely necklaces, this fantastic skirt and this beautiful bracelet instead of just drooling over the pictures. (Major fail!!!)
11. Build sandcastles on the beach.
12. Spend more time with my parents. (Check and Check.)

Here's Looking At You

13. Have cocktails with some good friends. (Check.)
14. Plan a weekend away; take a road trip or just go somewhere new. (Check and Check.)
15. Refashion my wardrobe, mend old favourites and donate old clothes to charity. (Made A Start!)
16. Send a message in a bottle.
17. Dust off my bicycle and get my groove on.
18. Go to the cinema at least once a month. (Check.)
19. Take some craft classes. (Check, Check. and Check.)

Etude - Detail

20. Learn a new beading stitch. (Check.)
21. Climb a mountain.
22. Start the family tree.
23. Organise my life and home. (Life? Getting there. Home? One thing at a time, eh?)
24. Display more photographs - get them off the hard drive.
25. Take some photographs of Me and 'The Steve' - using these fabulous people as inspiration. (Check.)

Me & Steve

26. Learn to make pretty cupcakes.
27. Do something that scares me. (Oh! Many, many times!)
28. Clear out and organise our little shed. (Check.)
29. Put up an inspiration wire or board.
30. Laugh more. (Check!)


I didn't manage everything and that's okay. I can't decide, though, whether I want to write another list. Has anyone else written one before now? I'd love to hear your thoughts or see your list if you have, so please link or comment x


  1. Clair ~ I enjoyed reading your list and really love the photos you used here. Sounds like you've made a fairly good dent in the items on this list. I am thinking about doing a list for myself - 50 things before I turn 50 which will happen on May 1 next year. Problem is the older you get the higher the number of expectations - not sure I could come up with 50 new things! hahaha

  2. I could do 40 things before 40, but I've only got 5 months. When I write to do lists I usually include a few things i can tick off immediately, but somehow I think that's cheating! Maybe I could manage a challange a month from no until I'm 40.
    Well done' for achieving as many as you have. Love the glass ball photo

  3. I don't make checklists unless they're of things I have to do; I make wishlists now and then though, and don't pressure myself to achieve the things on the list. Except that my borderline OCD means that actually I do like to complete everything on every list, always.... So I don't make too many lists, it stresses me out!!

    Having said that, can we add 'decorate cupcakes' to our list please? :-)

  4. you are denting that list Clair, might not of been before you were 30 but me thinks will not be long after. I have started a list of 50 things I will do before I am 50 and I will have to put it on my blog soon x

  5. That's quite a list. Make another. Just keep that same attitude about it.

  6. I think this sort of list is an evolving thing so it would be perfectly acceptable for it to change - you do, so wouldn't the list?

  7. oooh i could maybe fit in, just, 45 things to do before im 45 this december, but i think i'll stick with no list as i normally fail miserably. good going on ur list so far, very impressed
    Jo xxxx

  8. No, I've never made a list of things to do; but I did have a go at that list of things I'd done that was doing the blog rounds a while back and it was a good feeling to see what I had managed. I think you've packed in a lot!


I <3 comments! Thank you x