
Monday, 25 January 2010

Rompers? Really? {Fashion Forward}

When I was younger, I had a very, um, eclectic taste in fashion. Want a mental image? Do you recall the TV Series Blossom? Yeah. Exactly. I once hit up every gent that I knew for their unwanted ties so that I could make a skirt out of them. (Just like in the video.) It flared. Okay? I liked it!

But, there were lines I never crossed and, so it is with some slight chagrin that I bring you this week's Fashion Forward trend. Rompers.

It seems that rompers, jumpsuits, the all-in-one - whatever you want to call them - are evolving for 2010 and, judging by the range sported at some of the season's catwalk shows, anything goes. Some are as teeny-tiny as hotpants, whilst others are skimming the floor seventies style over the top of your platform wedges.

Personally, I've never been a fan of clothes that may require a combined force of talcing and shoe-horning. Nor have I ever been a fan of clothes that may require more than a slight pull up or down in order to pee. I mean, just imagine the trauma after a few too many beers!

Soft Shimmer (41/50)

But, it seems that there are some truly sophisticated alternatives to the stereotypical, sleazy leather all-in-one - the fabrics are softer, the lines are cleaner and the colours are bang on trend. It's all I can do to suppress the urge to at least try one on and see if it's a look that might suit me. I just don't know if I'm brave enough.

Anyway, I'm keen to hear what my fellow Fashion Forwarders think about this particular trend. What do you think? Would you? I mean. Rompers? Really?

If you're playing along today, leave your link, visit the other Fashion Forwarders and be thankful that next Monday Katherine will be hosting on her blog, Paper Pocket, and there probably won't be a romper in sight! x


  1. Haha, great post.
    I've hard the same negative response to rompers in the past, but with they way they have evolved I'm starting to grow a bit fond of them.
    Great post, the intro. make me giggle. :)


  2. love it Clair and I know what you mean rompers reminds me of babies, but have to say I bought a cat suit in black as I had one when I was younger and loved it. So New Years Eve picture it, out with the family having a meal and ending up spending half an hour in the ladies just taking it off and on, not cool !

  3. Oh Clair, you've made me laugh this morning. I've never been a fan of the old romper/playsuit/shorts,joined to a top kinda thing...

    (quick pause so le kitty can watch birds on youtube.)

    but i think i could actually give it a go! The look you've chosen is sophisticated, not a word i would normally associate with romper suits.

    Ok Ok. I'll give it a go, but can I please make a skirt out of ties first?


  4. That's probably the prettiest romper I've ever seen! In theory, I'd love to try it, but then I remember the bathroom headaches. To romp, or not to romp. I'm still up in the air about the trend...but you're right, it is getting harder and harder to say no.

  5. A romper? I am not sure if I could pull it off, but you sure present a beautiful case for the romper. Gorgeous set you have here talented lady!

  6. I thought that was a top at first, and was like "oooh, pretty! Where's the romper?"

    Would I wear one... no. nada. not ever. even that one, which is pretty I admit, would doubtless look hideous on size 16 hips. In fact, I don't want to mentally scar myself by trying.

    I think they can work on very skinny, boyish figures, but I honestly don't think I have ever seen one work on a bottom-heavy shape.

    Digging the accessories, though.

  7. Can't see me in a romper, ever. If that one was a dress it would be fab, though.... And I *love* those shoes :-)

    A tie skirt??? Never saw Blossom so have no idea where that all comes from but even if - a tie skirt???????

  8. Oh Clair, I believe I was the Six to your Blossom! Sigh. I have many a memory of myself in some kind of floppy hat. (And not in a good way.) As for rompers, my view of these one-piece wonders was totally altered this weekend when a dear friend rocked one on her birthday. Strapless, silk, black and gorgeous, she could not have looked more beautiful. And better still, she has, ahem, assets that were perfectly showcased! As to whether or not I'd be brave enough to try this look, well the jury is still out. But I CAN tell you they're no longer off the table!

  9. I tried on a blue and white playsuit in River Island, for a laugh, about a year ago. I certainly made myself laugh, looking in the mirror at myself wearing it. Not for me x

  10. Hahaha! I do like these getups and I probably will rock one this summer. Maybe a long linen one would look good with gold sandals and tons of gold jewelry (I like gold), humm....we will see! Your pick is very glamorous and I dream of wearing something like that one day, but for now I will stay away from the shorts. Let's see what happens in the summer :D


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