
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Artistic Outlet {My Creative Space}

My Creative Space is back for 2010. I'm looking forward to a reason to get my creative juices flowing again; I'm looking forward to getting my camera back (from the camera hospital) at the weekend; and I'm looking forward to starting some new creative projects. Like embroidery, mixed media and, perhaps, finally learning how to knit!

In the meantime, I'm going to share a couple of 'digital' illustrations that I created using Polyvore. Now, I know I've been mentioning Polyvore quite a lot recently, but it really is one of the most truly engaging and creative communities I have come across on-line.

Pink Elephants & Lemonade {For JanieG}


The best thing about using Polyvore to create these kinds of illustrations is that, unlike traditional scrapbooking, you aren't limited by your supplies (or lack of them) and, unlike digital scrapbooking, adjusting sizes, layers and layouts is much, much simpler. And, best of all, it's all free! (Music to my ears after Christmas!)

I've only really just started exploring, but to get a better idea of what you can acheive, you should have a look at the images created by JanieG, Lildreamer or Gypsy Soul. But be careful, it's very easy to become engrossed and before you know it, your morning has gone. *Poof!*

For more creative spaces, and to join in, head over to Kirsty's blog Kootoyoo.


  1. You seem to have mastered polyvore! Very pretty layouts. Hope your camera is back from hospital soon! Have a great weekend.

  2. Wow! You really have worked it out Clair - they look fabulous. k

  3. It's fabulous when you find just the right fit for you isn't it.

  4. I'm thinking of resurrecting knitting too - big knitted cotton blankets seem to be in just now, and I can see myself sitting by the fire working peacefully away at one for years. I'd love to have a go at all your other levels of creativity (Polyvore sounds tempting), but I'd have to come up with creative excuses first.

  5. Great illustrations. Thanks for the tip-off about Polyvore - I haven't heard of it until now. Nic

  6. i love digital scrapbooking as well as traditional. i find it great fun moving things around and altering how pages look, cos if it goes wrong u can just delete it and start again!!!! glad u have found a g8 place to play. all adds to the creativity.
    Jo xxxx

  7. Hooray, your camera's due to be discharged! Did it get any cake or did The Steve eat it all?

    Love your layout-y illustration-y picture-y thingies :-)

    I'd better not visit Polyvore, my morning seems to have gone already.....

  8. Looking great!

    Good luck with the knitting. It's not so bad once you get it going. ;)

  9. you have a blog award, pop over to see what!
    Jo xxx

  10. Very pretty. I will be a bit MIA as I get back into the schedule of school. I missed out on Monday's FF but I will be back;) I can relate to you when you said your morning is gone *poof* =) My friend gave me a beginners knitting kit a few years back and it has become an ornament in my craft space (it came in a nice box). Maybe one day I too will open it up and start learning. Take care!

  11. Geez. First you, then Katherine. I'm so tempted to join in on the Polyvore fun! Your collages are always so lovely, and these are no exception!


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