
Friday, 1 January 2010

I Am Resolute

I won't be making any New Year resolutions this year. Why would I bother? Way back when, I started this little blog as a way to talk about what I wanted to acheive with my life. In 2010, I may be taking a new approach, but the goals essentially remain the same - individuality, happiness and dreams.

It's A New Year

Let's face it, when you think about the definition of resolute - firm in purpose and belief or characterized by firmness and determination - it sounds a bit like obstinate, doesn't it?


  1. yes but it is a nicer way of saying it :-)

  2. ^__^ This is some kind of beautiful Clair.

  3. wow, ur resolutions are really amazing and not too specific so there's no need to worry about falling off the path. it alls sounds dead inspiring and i'm sure, like us all u'll achieve ur aims and objectives in 2010. from a fellow resolute individual to another............keep up the g8 work
    love jo xxxx

    ps u don't strike me as a miranda. can't wait for the movie by the way!!!! :)

  4. I resolve, amongst other things, to lure you into coming to visit me in Germany when I'm back.

  5. What a great way to look at a new year. Having some general guides on what you want to focus on is a better way to view it.

    My goals are much the same as yours and, I hope, we can help each other make it all happen! Let's make 2010 the year of pursuits and pockets :D


  6. Yes, I like to think of resolutions as the positive force that meet the obstinate object, or hopefully don't, but, like you, I just don't make them, nor even intentions if I can avoid them. I sometimes make whims, which are more fun.

  7. Love the pic :-) Love the post! See you soon m'dear xx


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