
Monday, 28 December 2009

It Seems I'm Miranda {Fashion Forward}

Now, I must admit that I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do for this week's Fashion Forward post. I wasn't sure whether to pretend that I had plans for New Year's Eve and put together a glamourous, swanky little outfit or whether I should just admit that I far prefer to stay in with a good book and my hot water bottle. (My life it just full of excitement, I tell you!)

However, you've been saved from pictures of me in my worn out PJs by The Steve, who mentioned that there was a new Sex & The City film coming out in 2010. His actual words were, "I saw the trailer for Sex & The City 2 earlier and it made me want to yank on one of my testicles so hard I could strangle myself with it." - I knew then that I'd have to put together a little 'tribute'. Just for The Steve!

Funny what inspires me, isn't it?

It Seems I'm Miranda

Items in this set: Donna Karan Infinity Dress; Christian Louboutin Pigalle 120 Patent Pumps; Roger Vivier Black Verni Bag; Gregg Ruth Diamond Necklace; Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge For Lips & Cheeks

I was never a huge fan of the show (I liked it, but I never lived for it, you know?) but I was always a huge fan of the fashion. I took the What's My Sex & The City Style quiz, to determine what style I would suit me best and I came out with ... Miranda. I can't argue - I'd kill for her structured suits, tailored dresses and pulled together look. Whose wardrobe would you raid, given half the chance?

Pop on over to see Katherine and Co to see what's inspired everyone else's Fashion Forward this week.


  1. I love steve's comment. I wpmder whose character I dress like... I've always watched the show jealous of their outfits and tiny bodies.

  2. I got Miranda too, was surpised actually. The Steve's comment made me laugh, men just don't get SATC do they?!x

  3. Sassy! I took the quiz and I was Samantha. I also love the fashion from Sex and the City!

  4. I'm the same way about SATC, I like it, but don't live for it (and I know Ethan's reaction would be the same as The Steve's!) The quiz was fun - I got Charlotte. I've always admired Miranda's classic, put-together look though.

  5. I wouldn't say I lived for SATC, but I sure did love watching it! I took the quiz and was Miranda too. I don't think its because we both happen to be lawyers. Speaking of lawyers, if I were a personal injury lawyer I think I'd be looking for the lady who tries to wear those shoes! That is an accident waiting to happen!

  6. Quick, ya better go check on The Steve...make sure he's okay! Wonderful contradictions going on in this post, well, I guess I better go take the quizzzzzz- see who my fuzzy slippers and my bangers take after.

  7. It seems that I am Charlotte, just so ya know. Can you tell me who is in that first picture in the first question{dark flared jacket and leather skirt- I like that jacket}? happy happies and I am still smiling Clair and also shaking my head!

  8. Lovely set!
    I just got done watching some reruns of Sex and the City. Gotta love that show.


  9. I always fancied myself a Carrie - writing a fiesty column, smoking thoughtfully out my windown, going for drinks at the drop of a hat. But, turns out I too am a Miranda! Let's be real, these days I'll take my tivo over midnight martinis any day.

  10. I am Charlotte never saw myself as her but never mind. love the style of Miranda though and think she is more me !


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