
Tuesday, 17 November 2009

What This Mark Says About Me

So, today is another All About Me Design Team Reveal. They are really, really coming around quite quickly now, especially when I spend a week or so thinking about the challenge and trying to decide between at least three or four options. I honestly have no idea how some of the AAM Followers manage to whip up their challenge layouts so quickly, but I do love the fact that there's so much scope for interpreting the themes - and I'm making a note of my other ideas so that I can come back to them another time.

This month, were talking about marks and what they say about us. It's an odd one. Some of you will probably have an immediate reaction to the challenge, some of you may need to think about it a bit like me. Your mark could be a tattoo, a scar, a mark on the wall where you measured your first child, or maybe you have a mark on the inside. It's all valid.

In The Palm Of My Hand

When I was in my late teens (*sigh*) I went with a friend to visit a palmist. My friend had always wanted to have his palm read, but I wasn't in the slightest bit interested. I sat down to have my palm read full of curiosity and a healthy helping of scepticism.

The palmist explained that, along with the shape of my hands, the small cross nestled between the lines of the heart and head indicated a natural psychic talent or an ability to understand and work with the occult. He went on to explain that I was likely to struggle between an exceptance of the occult and my natural tendency towards science and fact.
I was disappointed. I wanted him to tell me that I would travel the world; be invited to all of the best parties and would never get fat!

Still, there was some truth in his reading. Years later, I have studied religions, the occult and science - and you'll often find me reading about research that seems to cross those boundaries. I am fascinated by things like out of body experiences; parapsychology and ... um ... Derren Brown!

Head on over to All About Me to see how the rest of the DT have intepreted this one and then have a go yourself, we've got another wonderful sponsor this month!


  1. Your page looks great! I like all the details, like the text that runs along the border, and the spray paint - stencil (is there a technical term for this, if so, I don't know it) in the backgrounf, and the small words mixed with the larger ones. You are quite the scrapbooker, Clair!

  2. When I saw 'marks' my first thought was grading and examination marks, which i guess means that i'm repressed by society. 'Mark' to me is quite negative - it would be good to see positive treatments of it so I'm going to click and see whether there are some. Yours, I guess, is quite neutral.

  3. I love the masked/stencilled background, it fits the theme so well :-) And the journaling round the edge is fabby too! And the stack of angled distressed papers is gorgeous. And the colour scheme.... Yeah, OK, I love everything about this layout!! x

  4. That is such a great story! Your page looks beautiful as well - I can see how it rides the line between fact and the mystical.

  5. Great story! Happy wednesday, fellow blog-award winner!

  6. wow love the stencil background, thh journaling around the side, well all of it really. So that is what you wanted the paint for. Do I have to start calling you mystic Clair now?


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