
Thursday, 19 November 2009

I've Hit A Snag! {My Creative Space}

So, there I was, happily sewing along in My Creative Space - working on my rather large 'crafty to-do list'. Unfortunately, it seems that even after a bit of a clean; a new needle; and a show of genuine affection, my sewing machine decided to have a little sulk. Obviously, it felt it was being overworked after a week or two of relative peace and quiet!


Now, I've hit my fair share of craft related snags, and even unravelled a fair few, but this is one mother of a snarl. It's all bunched up above and below the plate and I am certain this is going to require actually taking apart my machine. I am, literally, terrified.

Tonight, I don't really have the patience - funny how a sulk can rub off like that! - but tomorrow I'll have to dig out the manual, the screwdrivers and possibly a stiff drink.


To join in with My Creative Space, or just have a nose at more creativity head on over to Kirsty's at Kootoyoo and say hello!


  1. Yikes! That looks a little too familiar actually - though mine usually come good with a good yank. ;)

    Good luck in your unsnagging endevours tomorrow, just don't spill your drink on it!

  2. Get your fine sissors out and start cutting! It will break away soon enough. Hope you get to finish your crafty list. God knows mine is growing all the time.

  3. I know absolutely nothing about sewing machines, but that is quite an impressive snag you've got there. A bit like my hag snag, no ?

  4. Argh...I'm all for the stiff drink. x

  5. Those snags are the worst! Good luck sorting it out. (Hope your machine takes it easy on you.)

  6. Oh, poor you! Good luck with the snag. I frequently take off the plate under the needle there now to clean out all the fluff and dust (you'll be amazed how much is in there once you take it off!)... but yes, the first time was very scary! Kx

  7. oh shaks...this really bums me when it happens (and it does ..)
    crossing my fingers for you (-:

  8. Oh dear, good luck with it! sewing machines always seems to me like a little monsters machines =D this is why I am so scared getting near them (I feel that fingers will get stuck there for some unknown reason...=D)
    best of luck again!

  9. Bummer - hopefully nothing some snipping and a pair of tweezers can't fix! Good luck!

  10. Oh no! Best of luck de-snaging your machine. I'm sure with a bit of TLC, you'll be able to work the kink right out. And if not, be sure you have a second stiff drink on deck.

  11. eek, yikes!!! good luck, I suggest two stiff drinks.

  12. omg Clair can you fix it? yes you can !

  13. Ouch, I'm seeing this a bit late so I hope it's solved by now. Hope you don't have a hang over... :)

  14. hi clair, lovely post as always and in answer to ur question, no i never did?! no worries though as it's not an emergency thing just some help really.
    jo xx


    you have been given a lovely blog award.

    Jo xxx

  16. Hi Clair, I've had that happen once and I clipped the thread but oh,what a tangled web it was - I don't do much sewing because I think THAT nightmare is too close to home for me. :) I hope you've unraveled it by now. We do need the darn machine don't we?

  17. Oh no! Hope you're not tangled up in it as well!


  18. My machine seems to be doing this alot quite recently. I bought it about a year now and taught myself how to sew (I'm no seamstress now), and after the first time I cleaned it, I seem to have a bit of trouble with the threads getting snagged (is that even a word). Do you guys think that perhaps taking it apart caused my unwanted snagging?

    It's quite a scary feeling, as if the jaws of death have opened up and is going to swallow your hand with the threads :)

    I hope your machine does not snag again anytime soon!


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