
Friday, 16 October 2009

I'm Good For Inspiration, Aren't I?

"I'm good for inspiration, aren't I? You will find." ~ Fifteen Minutes Old, Snow Patrol ~

And so are Julie Kirk and Kirsty Neale from The Copy & Paste Project, who every so often like to challenge (and I mean, really, challenge) folks to create something by copying and pasting from their own ideas. Each and every thing that these lovely ladies create is so chock-full of inspiration that sometimes it's quite difficult to know which spark of thought to follow through to completion.

Challenge No.5 - A Flawed Work Of Art was no different. Starting with lyrics from another Snow Patrol tune, Julie and Kirsty came up with a couple of radically different projects and I had to give it a bit of thought. (It seems I've taken so long thinking about it that Challenge No.6 is already underway.) I had a few ideas but finally settled on.....altering a frame to make an earring holder.

Altered Earring Frame

Um.....yeah! How that popped into my head I have no idea but it did and I'm loving the results. I normally hang all of my own necklaces on my wardrobe handles, but I have had absolutely nowhere to hang my beloved earrings - even though I don't have that many of them. (I do have a few more than in the photo though!)

It was all fairly easy to do. I started with a copper coloured frame which I took apart, setting aside the glass. I then cracked open a pot of acrylic in my favourite colour, slapped it onto the frame roughly and left it to dry. Meanwhile, I covered the back piece of the frame with a bit of an old map and attached a couple of pieces of ribbon. (It's important to choose a ribbon or lace, so that you can hang your earrings from them easily.) Once the first layer of acrylic was dry, I painted on another rough layer, then sanded it down once that was dry. The roughness of the paint layers means that it will come off in patches - just what you want for a distressed look.

And now I have somewhere to hang all of my own little pieces of art!


  1. Ohhh it's fabulous, and amazingly clever and good and wonderful!!! An earring frame have I ever lived without one? Beautiful work miss. Thank you for playing on our team. You play so nicely!

  2. Ooh, it's cool, it's cool :-) It's inspired me! Only - I _really_ don't need to discover any more challenge sites just now!! Darn it!!

  3. Ah, Mel. But you MUST try this particular challenge blog because Julie and Kirsty are super duper nice :)

  4. Noooo.... You're such a bad influence on me!!!

  5. Rough painting = key to distressed look. I need to remember that for future painting projects. Your earring hanger is really cute. The weathered look and maps are two of my favorite things.

  6. that's such a cute idea. love love love the map as a background!


    ps. the neon pink earrings are fab!

  7. This is so cute! I've wanted to make something similar to this, but make a bigger version and use it to hang pictures on my clothespins :]
    GOOD! I was starting to think you forgot about me.
    Hope all is well :]

  8. You should mass produce and sell! I love it!

  9. Thanks for playing (and doing such a marvellous job of it), lovely lady!

    Very enamoured of your flawed paintwork, the map background and general ingenuity of using lacy trim as a hanging device.



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