
Saturday, 17 October 2009

All About Me Design Team Call

I just wanted to pop by and let everyone know that All About Me is looking for a new Design Team Member. Sadly this is because the lovely, lovely Mette Kallander is leaving the team (the combination of a new job and work for several creative teams meant she had little time for anything else!) So, if you're at all interested, head on over to check out the AAM DT Requirements.


  1. Hi Clair! I just saw your sweet comments on my blog and would LOVE to join Fashion Forward. My email is if you'd like to chat more about details. Thanks so much and again, I'm so looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. so nice to see another scrapbookers ... and a great website (yours and AAM). Thanks for the link.


I <3 comments! Thank you x