
Thursday, 22 October 2009

Friendship, Fun & Fimo {My Creative Space}

Today My Creative Space has actually been over at Mel's from I Speak Melsh. Since realising that we're within crafting distance of one another (it's like spitting distance, but for polite crafty types) and meeting for a spot of jumping around in the park like crazy people we decided it would be nice to get together for a bit of cake, crafting and conversation.

Fimo, Fun & Friendship

We've had a lot of fun today - making little things out of Fimo. We both had some stashed away in and decided to try our hand at making some cute embellishments, charms and pendants. It's so good to finally make use of something that's been hanging around for a while (and I don't mean you Mel, honest!)

Mel's Malteaser Cake

Just as yummy as it looks!

Watch out for more Me & Mel creations. I have a feeling that this is only just the beginning! (Especially if she's going to let me have Fruit Cake and Malteaser Cake!)

For more creative spaces, head on over to Kootoyoo


  1. mmm malteaser cake?! Are you serious...i wish i lived closer to the malteaser cake :( and you and mel of course


  2. You can MAKE the Malteaser cake, but you'll never find another Me or Mel! :)

  3. why have I never heard of this before????????????????? Looks fantastic

  4. Curious for the things you made!! And that cake looks yummy! I want to come over....

  5. Oh my GOSH that looks amazing. I recommend you sending me some NOW. :]

  6. Ah, you beat me to posting about today - by several hours, I think!! And your photos will of course be much better than mine. And you were rude about my fruit cake yesterday (while happy enough to eat it today). And you make me spend too much money (oh yes you do!) Yet I'm still your friend...? ;-) Thanks for a great day, babe - looking forward to our next crafty get-together (already packed my pliers, beads and jump rings...) x

  7. That sounds fun, fun, fun! And I don't even know what Malteasers are, but that cake certainly looks delicious.

  8. Now that you have teased me with that very edible picture, I expect a shipment of said edible in the picture in order to appease my inner chocolate lover:D

  9. that cake would get me jumping around some ...:)

  10. mmmm, that looks niiiiice ♥


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