
Monday, 5 October 2009

Fashion Forward!

Oh, oh, I am so excited to bring you my very first Fashion Forward Collection. It's a small one, but I actually think that I might be on trend with this one, so don't hassle me about adding more items, okay?

I used Polyvore to put my collection together, so that I could easily pick and choose my items, re-size them and add an arty-farty background. It's absolutely fantastic for this kind of thing, but it's highly addictive. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Free Love

Anyway, onto the drool-worthy items that I've chosen -

A Rebecca Taylor Metallic Party Dress; a Beautiful Boyfriend Blazer from Topshop; Ballet Flats from La Garconne; and a super cute kilt pin brooch from a selection at Could someone please see fit to add these to my wardrobe by the end of the week? Thank you so much.

For more information about how Fashion Forward is going to work, please pop over to see Katherine from Paper Pocket who is our lovely host for October. And just to give you a little bit of an incentive to join in, at the end of the month I'll be choosing a participant at random from October's entries and will be sending them a little surprise.


  1. Oh I love that dress! It's really cute, and perfect for a night of dancing.

  2. love the artsy fartsy background! And cute outfit!

  3. That is so on trend. I've seen MaryKate and Ashley Olsen sporting some very similar blazers! The dress is perfect too and the shoes...don't even get me started on the shoes! Love it!


  4. I joined it!!! Yay! Thanks for the invite. And...loving your picks :)

  5. I love the idea of this, and I love what you've done here, but I'm fashion-challenged... I only found out last week that purple footless tights are trendy!! ;-) Aw heck, I may give it a go, but don't say you haven't been warned!

  6. Love that jacket! (I am a bit of a coat/jacket queen! Who else has 32 of them in the hot Australian climate!!!) Great meme and CONGRATULATIONS on week one!! I will try to join in next week if I get my act together... so many things! Take care :) K

  7. You are NOT pulling me in! Heels are dug and I have the obstinate thing going...

    ...damn it - too good to miss - I'll be back in a small while!


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