
Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Busy Doing Nothing {Flickr Favourites}

I've managed to accomplish absolutely nothing today. I stared at the rather large pile of laundry for a while before attempting to make a start and then? Then the iron - which is admittedly past it's best - decided it was time to stop working. I'd only managed to iron a couple of t-shirts as well. What a shame!
All this means that I didn't feel at all guilty* for perusing flickr to make a mosaic for Flickr Favourites on ArtMind (just a little bit of cutesy, girly softness) and then watching my new favourite television programme on-line. (Another bit of cutesy, girly softness.) But, oh!, honestly, this programme was made just for people like me who wonder about how different life might have been, if only they'd made different decisions. And, I love the theme tune by Lily Frost.

I blame the weather for all this cutesy, girly, softness that's come over me today. As the weather gets colder, windier and wetter, I become more inclined to sit around in comfy, oversized jumpers and watch daft television programmes with a cup of tea in one hand and a wistful expression on my face.

Winter's coming. Don't say I didn't warn you...

* Um...okay, a little bit guilty. But not guilty enough that I didn't also have tea and biscuits!


  1. LOL, I LOVE this! I love to be busy doing absolutely nothing and I do not feel guilty having coffee and cake either! Super! I bet you had a fine day! :)

  2. It is good to have some lazy days sometimes!!
    I love your romantic mosaic!
    hugs barbara

  3. Your mosaic is wondeful! I love to sit with a cup of tea and some biscuits! What a nice day you had!!

  4. Oh, there are days like this and that's alright! Dreaming is good for you.

    About winter... Did you know that in Northern Finland there's already snow and weather forecast promised -15 celsius for tomorrow (besides 20 cm of snow fall)?! I'm happy to live in South;)

  5. ohh, love your girly mosaic, love the colours...don't love laundry or ironing. hope you enjoyed a guilt free lazy day ♥

  6. I think housework is grossly overrated, Clair! Your mosaic is divine - you've given pleasure to many... much more important! :) K

  7. I don't feel the least bit guilty when I get to cocoon indoors with my jewelry making, a good book or my laptop! Housework, nah.

  8. Oh pants! I wanted to watch that and I missed it. May have to do exactly what you did and find it online! ;)

  9. Such a beautiful dreamy mosaic... no need to feel guilty about it :)

  10. Hi Clair, What a lovely mosaic you created! Its nice to have a day spent doing nothing. I'm sure you deserved it, and no need to feel guilty! :)

  11. it's so pretty. cutesy girly softness rules!


  12. This sounds like the perfect cold-weather day! And those photos are just lovely.

  13. Gorgeous pics! Thanks for the lovely comment on my brande new design blog :) Love yours too, these things are addictive! x

  14. Keep doing nothing: the pictorial output is lovely!

  15. OOoh, fab mosaic - youa chieved loads with that :-)


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