
Monday, 17 August 2009

Mini Book Madness (& More)

Madness! Madness, I tell you! UK Scrappers have been hosting a Summer Mini Book Challenge, which continues over the course of this week and there are lots of free mini book templates available to download. Amanda Johnson, who is one of my all time favourite 'celebrity' scrapbookers, also has a couple of current mini book tutorials on her blog Here's Looking At Me Kid. They look uh-mazing and I'm dying to get stuck in and have a go at making a mini book Mandi style.

Unfortunately, over the past week I've been trying to work on some projects at home (cleaning, tidying and decorating - nothing overly exciting) inbetween bouts of illness (bleh!) and really haven't had the time - or the inclination - for any craftiness.

A Little Bit Of Loveliness For The Lovely Joyce

Now that I'm starting to feel a little better, I've spent the day catching up on a few chores; packaging up some parcel goodness for some lovely ladies and finishing off a few works in progress. (Remember the necklace from last week's Sunday Stash?)

Normal service has finally resumed. *Sigh!*


  1. Oh my gosh that necklace is so beautiful it almost makes me want to get up off of my sick bed and yell at the top of my lungs, "it's a miracle, it's a miracle!"...oh and free mini book templates? Now that's what i'm talking about! Wahoo!

  2. Fabulous craftiness I say! Just beautiful :) K

  3. Gorgeous necklace Clair! And glad to have another mini book addict with me! :)

  4. Love that necklace. I really must get back to jewellery making, I have far more beads than anyone would consider healthy and really should use more of them :)


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