
Thursday, 21 May 2009

(Things I Love Thursdays!) Black & White

My photography portfolio for my City & Guilds Certificate in Photography for Beginners is due in just over five weeks!!! I can't believe that a whole academic year has flown by so quickly and, if I'm honest, I'm only just beginning to feel as though I'm getting somewhere with my photography. I'd never used anything but a 'point and shoot camera' before the course and, if I'm honest, I spent the best part of the course being intimidated by all of the buttons and menus. Now that I've stopped feeling scared of it all, I've got so many ideas for future projects - I really want to continue learning and, hopefully, I will.

Now, I also can't believe that a week has gone by since I wrote about the Things I Love Thursdays! Group on Flickr and in honor of one of my bestest friends Dom (kavandje), who advised me to get back to basics and shoot Black and White, here's a collection of Black & Whites that have helped to inspire me to improve.
Things I Love Thursdays (Black & Whites)


  1. Not much to say. I wonder? Do they have a black and white digital out there? My Hubby isn't toooo thrilled that I want to do old film now again...I think there's still about 62 rolls left to develope. I tried earlier to post a comment on the PEANUT POST but couldn't get it to work, went to another blog and ended up fiquring it out!! Here it is, 62 words later and I actually have a few things to say! I'm here to ask you to pick 3 colors for me...for some fabric paper, don't put a lot of thought into it, you've mentioned that you have been trying to get out of your same ol` same ol` color rut, so what 3 colors will it be? I think I just might make some black & white paper? Happy happies. Joyce

  2. Hey Joyce! Thanks for stopping by. In answer to your questions - most digitals offer several shooting options (normal, vivid, monochrome, sepia, etc) but the majority of digital photographers seem to shoot in colour and convert to black and white because the monochrome option tends to limit contrast and look a bit 'greyscale' when printed. Obviously, film doesn't have this problem!

    As for colours - try hot pink, lime green Add some flowers or leaves in too? Very summery x


I <3 comments! Thank you x