
Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Copying & Pasting - Bounded In A Nutshell

"Being creative and original doesn't always have to begin with re-invented wheels, clean slates and blank pages."

~ Julie Kirk & Kirsty Neale, Copy & Paste ~

Julie and Kirsty's new challenge blog Copy & Paste got me thinking. At school it's drummed into us that copying isn't allowed, but copying (or emulating - a much nicer word) the work of someone else isn't in itself a bad thing. Through copying other people's styles and techniques I've learnt a lot. I've learnt how other people conduct business; I've learnt how other people create; I've learnt how other people live their lives. More importantly I've learnt that, in some cases, I would do things differently.

In adapting (or pasting) what I have learnt to suit my own needs; my own tastes and my own life, I've begun to produce better work - better photographs, better art, better writing - and I am happier with who I am as a result.

So, head on over to check out the first challenge and let emulation lead you to inspiration.

Bounded In A Nutshell

"I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a King of infinite space".
William Shakespeare: Hamlet Act II SC2


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Thanks so much for playing along - it's amazing!!!! What a wonderful interpretation of the quote and the photography is beautiful.

    Thanks again.
    Julie :)

  2. Thanks Julie! Copy & Paste is a fabulous concept for a challenge blog. I'm really happy to play along!


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