
Stitching On Paper

Stitching On Paper - a series of free tutorials exploring how to stitch on paper - ran in August 2012. The series covered the basics of hand stitching and machine stitching, then took these techniques further with tutorials inspired by stamping, embroidery, quilting, cross stitch and string art.

The idea of stitching on paper might not have been anything new, but I found myself amazed by the amount of e-mails that I received asking me how to add hand stitching to cards, or the people who left comments telling me that they wouldn't have the confidence to start stitching on their own layouts. Rather than reply to each and every one of those e-mails and comments individually, I started to think about the idea of hosting a series of tutorials to share my own tips and techniques.

Guest Designers included - Sian Fair, Mel H, Julie Kirk, Kim Dellow, Lisa Hausman, Tricia Simmons, Jemma Sharrock, Jennifer Grace & Lara Watston. That's an amazing line-up, right? Each of these talented ladies shared their own interpretation of my basic prompts so that each element of the series included tips, techniques and inspirational projects.

The series included free, downloadable materials which are still available as a Stitching On Paper 'bundle' on Scribd. You can view all of the class materials without an account, though you may need to create a (free) account to print or download the materials.

If you’re inspired by any of the techniques and tutorials featured in the series, please let me know - at anytime! I would love to hear from you!


  1. Great idea for handmade cards! Thank you! (I did nit think about it before)

  2. Love this! I can't wait to check it all out!

  3. Neat! The only thing I've ever stitched was my Catwoman costume for a Tim Burton Halloween party. ;D

  4. I once received an etsy package that was a handmade envelope with stitched paper. It was one of the best packages we've received. =0)


I <3 comments! Thank you x