
Sunday, 2 April 2017

Life Is A Song Pocket Letter {Sunday Sneak}

This morning, I want to share a new love with you! Pocket Letters! I know, I know, Pocket Letters have been around for a while, but I needed a new, little 'something, something' to add to my crafting and the more Pocket Letters I saw over on Instagram, the more I fell in love. So, last month, I headed on over to the Pocket Letter Pals Network; found an event; and joined in! 

The theme of the event was 'Life Is A Song' and what better way for me to start a new venture than with a nod to one of my first loves? I had a lot of fun creating my first Pocket Letter, not only because it's creative, but also because of the letter writing element. It was fun to write for someone else. 

The Pocket Letter hasn't reached it's new owner, but it's safe to share a little 'sneak'. Just one corner and a corner of an 'extra' that I included with the Pocket Letter. I cannot wait until my new friend, @cath_happymail, receives it! 

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