Saturday, 24 November 2012

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

It's been such a long time - longer than I ever intended - and I feel as though I owe all of you a little explanation of where I've been for so long. Well, here it is - 

During September, I developed a viral infection and was off work for several weeks, during which I barely managed to lift my head off the pillow and only narrowly missed out on an 'intravenous drip' medical intervention. October was spent at work - ten hour days, six days a week - trying to catch up on all of the critical work that I'd missed during my illness. In the evenings, I'd come home, try to eat something and head straight to bed. October was not all together exciting. During the last month, I've been continuing with the ridiculous work schedule, but have also been making some (massive) changes - in an attempt to bring some balance back into my life. Finally, there is some light at the end of the tunnel!

In December, I'll be leaving my current role (with a huge sigh of relief) and taking on a new, much more exciting role as Business Development Manager for The Bead Shop Liverpool. As I'll be working part-time, I'll have the chance to spend more time with my friends and family; be able to work on developing some of my own business ideas; and, of course, I'll be able to blog a little more regularly. You can't get rid of me that easily!

Things may still be a little 'intermittent' until the New Year - not least because I have the world's worst internet provider - so bear with me while I make a few changes to the look and feel of the blog and work out a new schedule. In the meantime, thanks so much for your patience - and for all of the sweet words of encouragement!

Clair xxx


  1. Hope you find the right balance and get your head above water soon ♥

  2. great big {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Huggles}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}Clair that has been a long long haul. So glad things are looking better for the future. well done you for getting through it all

  3. Aw bless ya, hope you get that all important balance, feel healthy, & enjoy your new job xx

  4. You know you have my full support, babes - I'm just a phone call away :) Excited for your new opportunity xx

  5. Good luck in your new job, how exciting!! It's so difficult at times to get the right balance in life and it sounds like you've made a great decision.

  6. Wow that's fantastic new about the new job! Congratulations!

  7. I really hope that you are feeling better now! Congrats on the new job and looking forward to seeing you around more again.

  8. glad to hear your good news x

  9. Sounds like things are looking up Clair....good luck with the new venture!
    Alison xx

  10. Very best of luck with that light at the end of what sounds like a very long and difficult tunnel

  11. lovely to hear from you as I have missed you hun! Glad you are making positive decisions and things are sounding like they are on the up xxx

  12. Changes are always scary - so glad you are feeling better and moving forward towards what you want. Good luck with it all!

  13. Sorry to hear you were so ill.
    It sounds like that gave you the push to make some changes that will fit your work/play/family life in a better way!
    Congratulations on your new job!

  14. Ooh, the new job sounds perfect and wonderful, I hope it goes super well! It's nice to see you back in blogland! x

  15. Ack I'm so behind in my blog reading I had no idea you were so sick. I hope you are feeling better now. Oh and I love the changes you've made to the blog!


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