
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

I've Been Beading {Ten Things On The Tenth}

If you love Shimelle as much as I do - and I'm sure that you do - you'll be aware of her blog series Ten Things On The Tenth. It's a simple idea, we share ten things - any ten things - on the tenth of the month. Simple, but I've never managed to organise myself enough to actually join in.


At the beginning of the year, I realised that by concentrating so much on my papercrafting, I hadn't really progressed much with my wireworking and beadweaving. I was feeling guilty about my ever growing stash and headed on over to the Facebook Group for Operation Tackle That Bead Stash with a bit of a challenge in mind - creating a pair of earrings each week during 2012.


Snow Drops

Pearly Pair

The ladies, thankfully, took up the challenge with relish and we've all been busy beading, bending and, um, bragging about our makes. It's been just the motivation I've needed to start working with my beads again and the photographs you're seeing here are the earring sets that I made during our first ten weeks of the challenge.

Jaipur Gems Earrings

Pretty In Pink

Royal Diamonds

If you're interested it's never to late to join the challenge. There are plenty of new members to the OTTBS Facebook Group, who are catching up - and a few of us who need to catch up because we slacked off over the Easter Weekend. And, yes by 'we', I really mean me. *Blush. Blush*

Mint & Metal

Belle Of The Ball

Drops Of Juniper

You can also post your own Tenth On The Tenth. Your ten things can be absolutely anything you feel like sharing. Just head over to see Shimelle and link up your own blog post or projects!


  1. ooh i love the pearl and diamante drop earrings clair. very busy beading fingers
    jo xxx

  2. they all look so beautiful

  3. I loved all off them. The colours are amazing.

  4. These are all lovely, but the last two pairs are my favourites.
    Fiona x

  5. These are beautiful especially all the pink ones.

  6. Stunning work Clair - the 2nd ones are the stars for me ;o)

  7. Wow, lovely earrings! I was going to pick a favorite, but I like them all.

  8. I am hoooing and haaaing at your earrings Clair!!! If I was to pick a favorite pair I would say the one before last but they are all stunning!

  9. These earring sets are all beautiful! I love the blues and greens. So pretty! :)

  10. What loving earings! They are so beautiful!

  11. What loving earings! They are so beautiful!

  12. Great job..but the last two pairs are most defs my faves!
    Alison xx

  13. Lovely earrings. Gives you the perfect excuse to go out and buy new outfits to wear them with LOL!

  14. Wow, these are beautiful and so wonderfully photographed! I bet that takes patience and dexterity.

  15. Lovely. I've been trying to get back into jerwellery making. the trouble is you have to know what the end product is going to look like before you start - unlike scrapbooking which can develop

  16. These are all so pretty! Every now and then I think 'ooh I could get into beading'. And then I realise I have about a gazillion things to do. Maybe one day! X

  17. Gosh, these are lovely and some of them are divine! Do you wear them every day? How lovely thaty are.


I <3 comments! Thank you x