
Thursday, 26 May 2011

A Manic May

Okay. Okay. I'm sure that I could have popped in and said hello. In fact, I'm sure that I should have popped in and said hello. But honestly? It's been manic! In the past two weeks, I've only slept in my own bed a handful of nights - and no cheeky questions about whose bed I've been sleeping in instead! My life isn't quite that interesting!

I've been busy working away at improving my career - only fitting for someone who works in the world of career development. In the last week or so I've managed to fit in two conferences, a four day residential training course, my probation review, the completion of my NVQ - and a six mile walk to raise funds for Queenscourt Hospice.
The Training Course Wasn't That Much Of A Chore!
The training course wasn't really that much of a chore!
I'm very, very thankful that we have a Bank Holiday coming up! What will you be doing with your extra long weekend?


  1. Oh wow, that looks delicious. And blimey - you have been busy!

    I'm not sure what I'll be up to this weekend, hubby has to work so I don't suppose I'll be doing anything too exciting. Will just potter about in the garden and take my daughter to the playpark probably! Hope you manage to relax a bit.x

  2. Hopefully catching up on some stuff around the house! You need to slow down!

  3. You certainly have been busy! It's not a Bank Holiday here...but as I am lucky enough not to work, I suppose every weekend's a long one for me:) Hope you manage to find some 'you' time!

  4. Let's hope June is jubilant ;o)
    That looks delicious - was that before or after the 6 mile walk????
    I'm working on Saturday, but hope to garden after that and of course then it's half-term so perhaps some girly shopping with DD ...

  5. Yum. How nice of you to do the fundraising walk! I hope you enjoy the long weekend and have a nice June.

  6. congrats on all ur achievements. that roulade looks gorgeous. can i come on ur next conference please?
    jo xxx


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