
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Enjoying The Spring

Today I'm enjoying the spring - even though it's a little gusty - and I'm looking forward to visiting Mitsy over at Artmind to find out what everyone else has in their flickr favourites this week.

"Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day." ~ W. Earl Hall ~

The Lightness Of Spring

Where would I be each week without my stock of quotes? What makes a photograph a favourite? Tell me. I'm interested!


  1. I think there are many things which make a photograph a fave, it could just be the subject - as is often the case for me, it could be the light or how you just know that you nailed it with composition ... in your grouping today it is the pegs - I like the colour and how it seems I could almost touch the pegs and I relate to pegs ... unfortunately!

    I've just realised that I didn't comment on your trip mini - it is gorgeous and I hope you have an amazing time! :-)

  2. For me, I think not just the subject but also the colours. These shades I love!

  3. Oh, wow - those are beautiful, and so perfect gathered together like that.


  4. Great pastel nuances.
    They look great all together :D

  5. Wow Clair I love the colours and lucky you an adventure of a lifetime, many stories to come I believe x

  6. what a stunning collage. these would most certainly be my favourite photos if I had taken them. the roses are simply perfect.

  7. These photos just make me happy!! Thank you for sharing these! :)

  8. It depends. the composition, the colours, the subject - if a photo combines all three it's bound yo be a favourite.
    Thanks for your message on my blog. So what on earth can you do with giant bottle tops???

  9. lovely photos! I do wish that spring would arrive soon.

  10. ooh i love all of the colours :D very pretty together

  11. Oh my, that is a gorgeous collection of spring you have here, Claire! Even when it's gloomy outside, this makes you happy! :)

  12. Colours, composition, subject, emotional response invoked.... Sometimes it's just a gut reaction :-) I'm liking all of these! xx


I <3 comments! Thank you x