
Monday, 15 November 2010

Colours Of The Rainbow

Each week on Operation Tackle That Beadstash, Liz puts together a Monday Moodboard with the aim of inspiring contributors and followers alike to dig around in their bead stash and make a little 'something, something'. There's a new one up today, so check it out!

A little while ago, Liz posted a rainbow themed moodboard and I managed to find a small tub of plastic seed beads that had come free with a papercrafts magazine. At the time they had been separated by colour, but at some point I must have mixed them altogether - perfect for making something multi-coloured. Mainly because I could never be bothered to try separating them again. Ahem!

Colours Of The Rainbow

I had intended to turn them into one of my safety pin cuff bracelets but, in the end, I had far too many safety pins for one bracelet and not enough for two. Having spent so long threading the seed beads onto the safety pins, I was loathe to start all over again. So I've had a pot of safety pins, sat in all their multicoloured glory, on my desk for several months.

The other day, I came across a length of pure white ribbon and decided to try threading it through the backs of the safety pins to create a choker style necklace. Lo and behold, it works - and it looks pretty cool with my white shirt for work.

Now, I must confess that I started writing this post with the intention of scheduling it as this week's Finally Finished Friday, but figured that if I posted it tonight, I'd have extra incentive to complete another project by the end of the week. I'm pushing myself people!


  1. That is gorgeous Clair, I love the combination of colours they all work together. I bet it looks great with a white shirt you will be getting orders from work to make them x

  2. I like your style of self-motivation!

    Adding the ribbon was a great idea, it would look fabulous with a white shirt - a snazzy way to dress up a work outfit for sure :-)

  3. That's really clever. Well done

  4. such a neat idea! And I like the way you get yourself motivated. I should try some of that.

  5. Ooooh...I love the colors and this design, Clair! Very well done. And the earrings in the previous post are awesome as well! xo

  6. wow, Clair, this is gor-ge-ous!!!!

    now quick, take a photo of yourself wearing it!!!

  7. You're a bit clever, you know, my friend! This is lovely xx


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