
Monday, 19 July 2010

Pretty Pinks

The Operation Tackle That Beadstash Team have been busy creating pieces this week to fit in with our new Moodboard Monday feature.

Every other week, we're showing off a new moodboard to encourage the team and, of course, our readers, to create something inspired by the colours, textures or themes of the moodboard. Inbetween, we're showing off our creations. Because that's what we do, you know?

Moodboard Monday No.1

If you could do with some inspiration, want to know how my piece was inspired by the moodboard or just want to see what the rest of the team made, do pop by and say hello. We would love to know your thoughts about the blog and our new features.


  1. Love the moodboard idea, and *love* your creation! :-)

  2. Gorgeous necklace Clair! I love your OTTBS post too.

  3. Lovely Clair great idea and combination x

  4. I agree...the moodboard sounds like a fantastic idea. Your necklace is the perfect beach piece!


I <3 comments! Thank you x