
Thursday, 1 April 2010

{My Creative Space} A Good Tidy!

I know that it might sound a little crazy, but there is nothing which recharges my creativity like giving my little craft room a really good tidy! In the process of beading, sewing and scrapbooking I'll surround myself with all of the things that I need to have at hand. All free space around my working area will be stuffed to the brim and, eventually, I won't be able to move without knocking something over. And so it was earlier this evening.

My Creative Space....

....Needs A Good Tidy

There wasn't even room on my desk to sort everything so I had to pile everything onto the floor. Okay, I had to pile more onto the floor - that was pretty difficult to navigate as well! Have you noticed that there's always a few things that are leftover at the end of a tidy? Things that don't really belong anywhere?

Craft Tray

Well I finally decided to just go with it and found myself a cute baking dish that was getting dusty in a kitchen cupboard. I filled it with all those things that have no real home and a few things that I like to keep on hand. Now I can leave it on my desk to look pretty and inspiring - but it doesn't get in the way.

All clean and tidy. And, since I now feel the urge to get creative, I'm off to check out the creative spaces over at Kootoyoo.


  1. I totally understand the leftovers from a tidy, the no homers! Great idea.

  2. Doesn't sound crazy to me, I always feel more inspired when my creative space is clear & uncluttered. I guess there will always be a little clutter when making things and I'm trying to get better at putting things away when finished with them. Hope you get lots done in your space today xo

  3. I so need to do a massive craft room tidy up this weekend so totally know where you're coming from!

  4. :o) Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one! By the time I finish a project I've got a lot of random tools and "stuff" all over the place.

    BTW, CONGRATS on being highlighted in Shimelle's post today! Well deserved recognition and I was so happy to see your work in there. It also made me happy to see your scrapbook page that you had finally finished featured in Shimelle's piece. Nice!!! xo

  5. Hi Clair, many congrats on being featured in Shimelle's class; thanks for dropping by my blog (and yes, it does feel wonderful, I about fainted!). Can't see your pages on here sadly as Flickr is banned in Dubai, but I loved the ones I saw in the class handout! scrappysue

  6. all i can see is the stash of chocolate. i hope you didn't tidy that away! LOL. PS i so know what you mean about tidying up scrapbooking stuff. i always have to tidy up after every layout before i can start the next one. it's therapeutic somehow.

  7. yeah, I think when you are busy and creating, it just has to be a bit messy... creative mess!

  8. looks good- nothing like a spring clean... even if it isn't spring! xo m.

  9. =)I hate tiding up and cleaning - but after it is all over with it is so much fun and feels refreshing and lots of great ideas coming to my mind =)

  10. OK, you've inspired an Easter ourge. My elbows are basically around my ears - I can barely type from the 'stuff'!

  11. Love a clean space - getting it is sometimes the bigger challenge - hope you have a Happy Creative Easter ;)

  12. I hate the leftovers at the end of a cleaning spree. So so so frustrating. I like the solution you've found though. Very clever, and pretty to boot. Wonderful creative space, Clair!

  13. What ever it is that is round and has the heart on it...I really like it!

    Go get your creative on, girl :)

  14. Aah, there's nothing like a good tidy! I loved the gorgeous spread in Shimelle's handout yesterday. Good one Clair :)

  15. you put me to shame hun I realy need to didy my space, good on you x

  16. I love your idea to collect the 'leftovers' in an unused bowl. Practical and pretty.

  17. I can't agree more - a good clean up just gets the ideas and enthusiasm flowing! Happy easter!

  18. a good tidy is what my work room needs. you give me courage, girl!

  19. I love looking at people's bibs and bobs - one day I will be brave enough to photograph my creative mess!! :-) might wait until I plan on doing an 'after' shot too :p


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