
Monday, 15 March 2010

Folksy Charm {Fashion Forward}

I honestly don't understand my sudden fascination with all things 'folk art'. I know that woodland motifs really became quite popular during the last year and, although I caught onto that trend pretty quickly, it's taken my tastes quite a while to catch up.

Folksy Charm

I'm going to blame the fact that I've spent a lot of time reading the Martha Stewart website this week - maybe there's some subliminal advertising going on - but it probably has more to do with the beautiful sets of home tours featured.

That's probably why most of my choices for this week are for the home, though I did manage to squeeze in the most adorable necklace.

If you're playing along with Fashion Forward this week, leave your link below so that I can come and check out what you're oogling this week. You know I love a good oogle.


  1. Ooh! I love it all. =)
    If I had to pick my top two it would have to be the necklace and the pillow. So darling!

  2. Love the necklace and the cute little pillow. Folk art is one of those things that I sometimes love and sometimes feel blah about. But you've put together such a great collection. Hope you had a good weekend!

  3. Ah, all things folk. I can't wait to have a house so I can folk it up! And if people don't like it, well they can just folk off!

    It took me a full 5 minutes to come up with that. Look at you being professional with numbers and all :)



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