
Monday, 22 February 2010

Motivation {Fashion Forward}

After spotting several comments on last week's Fashion Forward from ladies who felt they would need a month long detox, a personal trainer or liposuction before they would be confident enough to wear a cut-out dress in public, I thought that maybe I should confess that I feel much the same way - I couldn't wear it, even though I think it's fabulous!

Maybe, I should also confess that many of the outfits I feature are aspirational - not just because I choose some astronomically expensive pieces - but also because one day I hope to be able to walk into a store and buy myself an outfit just like the ones I put together each week, without fearing the image that will look back at me from the mirror?

Maybe I should also confess that for me, creating these outfits each week keeps me motivated?

English Rose

English Rose by OPCreative featuring TopShop

Items in this set: Chiffon High Neck Dress, £50, Topshop; Shoes, £175,; Patience Clutch, £19,; Pink Large Rose Earrings, £10,; and My Pink Rose Ring, £6.49,

Let's just say that I am not quite as slender as I once was - and I was by no means waifish. I was a gym bunny - you could not keep me away - and I was gearing myself up to enter a half marathon. A couple of injuries later and I found it very difficult to start exercising again. I couldn't do quite as much as I was used to, so I felt like a failure and stopped trying altogether. Not the right attitude to have at all!

Now I miss being fit and healthy, but knowing myself only too well, I am trying very hard not to start off too quickly or expect too much from myself in terms of results. So, I'm going slowly. Very slowly. For the past month I've been walking every day, increasing my distance or my speed and, at the end of the month, I will start to introduce some running. Well. Okay. Jogging.

Whilst my focus is mainly on becoming more fit and healthy, a drop in dress size would definitely be welcome. So, my motivation is simple. I have a wardrobe full of beautiful clothes (and some tragic ones, but let's focus on the beautiful) which I cannot fit into. As an extra incentive, The Steve has promised to buy me a new dress when I reach my goal weight/size - and I'm currently looking fondly at an image of this beauty of a dress from Topshop every time I feel my enthusiasm waiver.

Funny what keeps you plodding along, isn't it?

For more fashion inspiration then please head on over to see Katherine at Paper Pocket and check out the posts from the other Fashion Forward ladies.


  1. i love ur honesty clair and feel much the same about myself at the moment. but we will get there. love the colour theme this week, very spring and soft. it is raining and blowing a gale outside so has cheered me up no end this morning, have u got snow?
    anyway get walking and i'll meet you half way.......
    Jo xxxx

  2. I took up jogging for two weeks once. Never felt better. Now I sometimes settle down for a good vigorous sit-down with a cup of tea. It's not the same. Good luck, and what a nice The Steve the The Steve is.

  3. I started to respond, but it was way too long for a comment so I sent it in message form! This post is very motivational and that dress is just cute! And I loveeee the roses ;)

  4. I practice yoga and I think it's great both for body and mind :)

    The dress is obviously beautiful! You must keep yourself motivated and you'll surely reach it ;)

  5. It is hard to stay fit 365 days a year, every year, isn't it? I know I definitely go through phases. That dress is beautiful though. I can't wait to see you in it!

  6. Love your feminine picks! so cute.

  7. You cheer me up, Miss Clair. I think most of us post aspirational stuff and it keeps me from slinging on a pair of jogging bottoms and a grotty tee and sitting in my arm chair with a large tub of ice cream all day...yes the curtains would be shut and Jeremy Kyle would be on the box. Ugh, look at all this unflattering stuff that comes out when we're honest!

    Keep going Clair, you can do it and one day we'll be rocking the London shops in heels (who am i kidding, it'll be flats) and super awesome, expensive clothes. Let's not forget the vintage shops though. (Although vintage clothes in Cornwall are covered in cat hair and smell of pee... I tell no lie.)


  8. It's funny how exercise can change how you feel. I have got back into my dance workout DVD since January and have lost 4 inches from my chest, waist, and hips(I had put it on the last year so am about the same as I was before.) I think it's partly an age thing too? You have to work more to stay in shape as the years go by. Respect to The Steve on the dress thing! I would rock heels but Chester has the cobbled street...that's my excuse anyway!x

  9. Babe, you look fab already x But good for you going for the exercise, as you're doing it for you :-) (And for the gorgeous dress, of course....)

  10. Aww hun you look the part already but keep going with the walking its good for you so they say lol. Hope that means you still like a bit of cake as we will be having some soon fingers crossed, Love the outfit so feminine and chic x


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