
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

It Makes Me Angry... tell you that even though there is a new prompt up today at All About Me, I have no layout to show you, because I dropped my camera and can't download the photographs. It makes me angry with myself to know that I took those photographs and didn't have the time to download them straight away. It makes me angry with myself to let Melissa down at the last minute - and on her birthday, no less! I'm so sorry Melissa!

And it makes me stupidly angry that, because we've had almost three inches of snow (and this constitutes adverse weather conditions in the UK) our local buses aren't running. What? Sorry? Not running? I'm fuming!!!

Anyway, if you'd like to find out what makes the girls over at All About Me feel angry, do head over and take a look at their layouts. Then join in the challenge and tell us what really twists your melon.


  1. Oh hugs hun. I can totally sympathise seeing as when we were burgled at the weekend the bar stewards took my camera with all my Xmas pics on. I also can't go out and buy another yet because of the smal so am making do with my 8-year-old's kid one!

  2. Oh I hope your camera recovers. Yes, the public service definition of 'adverse' is a bit askew here too.

  3. sending you {hugs}, i think you need a few today ♥

  4. 3 inches is some sort of weather emergency?! Crazy. I hope your camera gets well soon!

  5. Oh no... Camera trauma! Poor you x

    PS School's closed due to paltry levels of snow, too - so I have The Children at home, 'helping' me with all the jobs I had planned for today! *doh!*

  6. Awww, don't be too angry...well except for the buses not running, that is a bit crazy!

  7. I'm sorry for you Clair. And I'm sad to miss your layout. Hope your camera will work soon again.

  8. I'm glad you are as angry as I am about the snow standstill. Us British are so pants!

    Sorry to hear your camera's broken. Hope you can get it fixed hun.


  9. oh good sorry about the camera trouble. :( I'd be upset about it too.

  10. oh no hun way too bad news hope you sort the camera situation soon x

  11. leaned a little but didn't fall off the chair..."what twists your melon"!!! Hey, I keep forgetting to ask you..."what kind of beans do you like on toast?" BIG, HUGE and double BIG hugs to you Clair.

  12. Thanks hun for following my blog!! :)

  13. Sweet sweet Clair... I was angry when I dropped my camera too. My favorite camera. I hope you are able to get it fixed soon. And while I was totally bummed so miss a fab Clair Layout... I completely understand... HUGS!!



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