
Wednesday, 16 December 2009

We All Have Our Guilty Pleasures

Can you believe that it's actually time for another All About Me Design Team Reveal? And this one is all about our guilty pleasures. Oh, come on, you know you have one. Or maybe two!

I really had some fun with this one. I wanted to do something a bit unexpected and not many people expect me to be overly 'girly' - despite my current obsession with pale pinks and ruffles. Deep down inside though, there's a true girly girl with a passionate love of downright trashy chick lit. There's something rather comforting about predictable, romantic comedies and guaranteed happy endings.

Girly Book Lover (On The Sly)

To see how the rest of the DT have intepreted this one and then have a go yourself, head on over to All About Me.


  1. Oh yes :-) Jane Green, Freya North, Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes, Stephanie Calman, Claire Calman.....

  2. Love it!! I'm a huge reader, too, and some of them are of the chick variety!!

  3. Nothing wrong with some chick-lit! Of course, I prefer chick flicks, especially if they star a particular likable actress such as Sandra Bullock.

  4. So cool, great layout I have the same indulgence!!

  5. Love it Clair everyone has 1 vice lol x

  6. If there were a "Romantic Comedies" category on Jeopardy I would be a champ! Love the page, love your girlie side!

  7. Wonderful page! And this so could be about me. :)


I <3 comments! Thank you x