
Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Holidays Are Coming!

I am still having difficulty believing that it's December! That means it's time for another All About Me Design Team Reveal. Yay!

I'd like to say that I gave this one as much thought as usual got the prompts muddled and put this one together yesterday afternoon. There's a lot of stiching, because I just couldn't find the double-sided sticky tape! Being pushed for time forced me into using the template and using the sketch made it a lot easier - so you might like to bear that in mind as we enter the holiday season.

It's A Wrap

The prompt is all about processing the holidays - our memories, traditions and thoughts about this time of year - so our layouts are all incorporating a little more journalling than usual.

Mine reads - No matter how many times I've heard the same tunes every time I go shopping; no matter how many mince pies I've had thrusted in my direction and no matter how many 'festive drinks' I've knocked back, for me it isn't Christmas until I've sat down to wrap all of my presents.

I know some people find wrapping presents just a little bit of a chore, but for me it's one of the Christmas traditions I most look forward to - I know. I'm weird. I blame my mother. (Sorry mum!)

On Christmas Eve my mum would always be busy cleaning the house and making preparations for Christmas Day. To keep me occupied (and out of the way) I was given the role as 'Chief Present Wrapper' - a role I took very seriously.

We would crank up the radio - full of seasonal tunes - and I would spend the next couple of hours writing gift tags; wrapping presents and arranging them under the tree, accompanied by the smell of mince pies baking in the oven. I would be happy in the knowledge that I was helping out and doing something important.

I still do all of my wrapping in one evening - no mean feat with a family as big as mine. I sit myself at the dining room table, surrounded by bags full of presents, wrapping paper, pretty ribbons and several rolls of sticky tape. Christmas tunes blazing, twinkly lights twinkling and cinnamon biscuits baking in the oven and I'm instantly happy.

If you managed to read through all that and would like to see some more takes on the challenge then head over to All About Me to see what the rest of the design team have come up with.


  1. Love it :-) It doesn't look last minute at all, and I adore all the stitching! (Sewing machine not sulking with you any more then?) xx

  2. First of all, I am so in love with your color scheme! So rich and gorgeous. The stitching looks really cute, too. Your wrapping story just put me in the mood for some x-mas tunes.

  3. I do this too! Probably not as neat as yours but I try!x

  4. oooooooh, Clair! My Mom taught me to wrap presents and let me tell you...they were never sloppy, to this day the only time they are sloppy is if I do it on purpose. Happy happies and let the DOOFUS reign!

  5. Wow Clair you like wrapping presents sorry I don;t very much, as I have always had to do mine, my mum's Gary's and my brother's lol, but still know what you mean, it is definately a big job, but with the xmas music and the mince pies it is all good. Love the Lo and the colours and I am not jealous of your sewing skills at all xx

  6. I LOVE all the stitching! See? You're so amazing that even your 5 second layouts turn out stunning!

  7. I love this layout! The stitching...amazing!

  8. What a nice story! I too like the stitching and color scheme. It sounds like you are looking forward a fun night of wrapping.

  9. Wow, gorgeous. We wrap everything in one night, too. Only we don't do it on purpose, it just always happens that way.


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