
Monday, 2 November 2009


It appears that this is my 100th post! And, though most people seem to organise giveaways for their 100th post, it's snuck up on me and I seem to have a couple of giveaway winners to announce instead. (Both winners were chosen using The Random Number Generator, but could I figure out how to save the images? Um. No. So sorry!)

So, I promised a little 'something, something' to someone who participated in the first month of Fashion Forward and that someone is - Emily! Emily, please e-mail me with your postal address and I'll send this cute little kilt pin over to you - I hope you like it!

Kilt Pin

I also promised to send a customised cuff along to someone who commented on my Hallowe'en Blog Party Tutorial. And that someone is - Kylie! Kylie, I'll be in touch soon to talk to you about customising a cuff just for you!


  1. ooohhhh! I love being a winner! Thank you so much...AND FYI I love playing along with Fashion Forward. Emailing you!

  2. Congratulations Emily! and lucky me too!!! Thank you so much Clair - the cuff is just gorgeous :) K

  3. Yay, happy dance{put those scissors down now!} with Emily and Kylie.

  4. Thanks so much Clair for the nice comments and for following me! Always good to have another blog to give me ideas. xx


I <3 comments! Thank you x