
Saturday, 31 October 2009

Trick & Treat {& Tutorial!}

Cute and crafty chicas Julie and Kirsty are having a Hallowe'en Blog Party today and I am feeling oh, so honoured *blush* that they have invited me to join in the celebrations and create a little crafty 'trick' for everyone. And - once you've worked your way through the tutorial - there's a couple of treats for everyone too!

Trick - Customisable Cuff

In the spirit of Hallowe'en, I made a cuff in gothic goddess style with a rich, burgundy satin, black lining and some chunky looking buttons in gold and black. All of which will work very nicely with my little black dress and goth girl make-up for an outfit that nods at the occasion, but makes me look stylish not scary. And since cuffs are bang on trend, it's the perfect accessory.

Customisable Cuff

But, if you've already got tonight's outfit all worked out; goth isn't your style; or you've found your way to this tutorial well after Hallowe'en, fear not. This cuff is really easy to customise. You can change the fabrics, add some lace or ribbons or choose some super cute beads and buttons to make your fastening. Now, since this is my first machine sewing tutorial, it's picture heavy in the hope the pictures will help where my directions may be a bit 'fuzzy'. Feedback and questions will be most welcome! (Don't forget to keep reading to the bottom for the Treats!)

To Make Your Cuff, You Will Need:

Fabric(s) - Choose any fabric that you like. I've chosen a satin finish, which means I need to use interfacing. If you choose a cotton or heavier weight fabric, you can skip the interfacing and the ironing. Result!
Interfacing - You'll only need this with lighter weight fabrics.
Threads - Match or contrast.
Pins - For temporarily joining your fabrics.
Iron - If you're using interfacing. Once you've finished making your cuff, a press with the iron will also make it look super professional!
Elastic - Just a small piece.
Buttons, Ribbons or Lace - To decorate your cuff.
Sewing Machine or Lots of Patience - Hand stitching is perfect, but I'm so not patient enough.

1. Choose the fabric(s) that you want to have visible on the outside of your cuff and cut six pieces approximately 1 1/2" x 3". You don't need to be too exact!

2. If you're using lighter weight fabrics, you will need to back them with interfacing. Cut the interfacing into pieces just smaller than your fabric pieces and adhere to the fabric following the instructions on your packet!


3. Once you have all of your fabric pieces ready, start joining them together. With the 'right sides' together, pin the 3" sides together and, using your machine, sew together. You'll need a seam allowance of 1/4 inch.

Quarter Inch

4. Keep adding fabric pieces, keeping the 3" sides together, until you have five pieces joined together.


5. Test the length of the joined pieces by wrapping it around your wrist. It will need to overlap by at least an inch. If it's doesn't add the last piece of fabric.

6. Once you have all of your fabric pieces joined together, you'll need to add a backing. Cut another piece of fabric to the same size as your patchwork pieces and pin to your patchwork piece with the 'right sides' together.


7. Using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, stitch around the outsides of the fabrics - but leave one end of the fabrics open.


8. Turn the fabric cuff inside out through the open end. Use a pencil or knitting needle (I used the end of a paint brush) to really push the corners out.

Loose Ends

9. Fold the frayed ends of the cuff inwards so that you have a nice straight edge and pin in place.

Pinned Closed

10. Take your length of elastic and knot. Trim the ends.

Elastic 1 - Copy

11. Place the elastic into the open end of the cuff - with the knot on the inside - and pin in place.


12. Now 'top stitch' around the outside of the cuff, again leaving about a 1/4 inch seam allowance. I went around the outside of the cuff three times, quite roughly, so that the stitching looked more decorative (and so that I didn't have to match my ends up!) This has the added advantage of closing the open end of the cuff and really securing the elastic in place.

13. All you need now is a button closure. So, wrap the cuff around your wrist and mark where the elastic comes to rest. This is where you'll need to put your button! I just added a few for extra gothic goodness!

Button Placement

Treats - Goodies & Giveaway

Goodies - This weekend, anyone who signs up for Julie and Kirsty's rather lovely looking Twelve Days of Christmas Workshop, will receive an extra download full of goodie goodness. Since the workshop will be crammed full of projects that use up your existing stash, leaving you with some special presents for your friends and family (or for yourself) it's just another reason that you should have a peek and sign up. Go on! You know you want to!

Giveaway - As a little extra thank you for coming over to my corner of the party, I'm giving away a customised cuff - one made especially for you! In order to be eligible for this most covetable of cuffs, you'll need to:

a) Be a follower of my blog. So add yourself now, if you haven't already. I can promise you more fashion, craftiness, scrappiness and giveaways very, very soon.

b) Old and new followers alike will also need to leave me a comment below and make sure that I have a way of contacting you about your win. No-one wants to win and then not find out about it!

I'll choose a winner on Monday 2nd November. Until then, head over to The Copy & Paste Project to see who else has come along to the party. Gatecrashers are so very welcome :)


  1. Wow, that looks great! Think I might have to have a go... anything to get me to dust off my sewing machine :)

  2. I want a cuff!! I do, I do!! And I've been faithfully following for _ages_!! Your tutorial looks fab but you know what my sewing machine situation is like... If I don't win, please can we add this to our list of joint crafty projects???

    And - stop tempting me with that flippin' 12 Days of Christmas thing!! Do you know how many times I've looked at it and regretfully decided 'not this year'?!

  3. oh that looks so cute!! I can't sew and I'm jealous with your talent :D

  4. What a fabulous tutorial! I really enjoyed this, Clair - as a self-taught sewer I'm always on the look-out for the 'proper' way to do things! Thanks again, K x

  5. LOVE this and what a fab tutorial!!!

  6. It's 8:19am here and I haven't even made it to the kitchen yet for my first cuppa tea! Clair!, Clair!! and Clair!!! I am SO making this, period. Happy happies. 8:22am, 8:23am

  7. Um...there's just no way to follow the comment above. The excitement just bleeds from the page:D

  8. Cute cuff! I absolutely love the color. And all of you crafty girls are tempting me to finally figure out how to use my yard-sale sewing machine. Ugh.

  9. Awesome! I'd LOVE one of those!! I'm not that great with a sewing machine, so i'd love to win one. BTW, the tutorial was great- the pictures really helped!

  10. So stylish and I love the use of buttons, fab!

  11. I've already said to Sarah ...I think cuffs should become part of an official Copy+Paste uniform. With purple tights [I have mine on right now!!!].

    Thanks for the fab tutorial. Thanks for your support. Thanks for par-ty-ing :)

  12. I just LOVE it. So very pretty. I wish I had a half decent sewing machine. IwishIwishIwish - mie is so rubbish! But, I'm totally with you on the no patience for hand sewing thing!

  13. Hmn...9.19pm November the 1st - am I too late to trick-or-treat cuff 'create'?!?!?!

  14. Gorgeous cuff and great tutorial, too - you machine-stitched wonder, you! I love that it works as a Halloween accessory but isn't so very spooky you can only wear it once a year. :)

    Thanks again for being such a splendid party guest!

  15. Great tutorial. I've been wanting to make one (or six) and this is the impetus I needed to get it done. Thank you!

    I was a pirate for Halloween... I should have seen this before Halloween. I could have made some great pirate cuffs!


  16. that looks so cool, love the colours!! great tutorial.

  17. that's cool! great tutorial!!


I <3 comments! Thank you x