
Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Stupidly Cute {Flickr Favourites}

I'm not normally a *cutesy* kind of person, but even I can't resist the lure of a cute little, furry thing. And I mean little. The Steve and I bought a Chinese Dwarf Hamster a short while ago and while I was searching for 'care instructions' (Dry Clean Only, that kind of thing) I came across the website of hamster breeder Hesedetang, and became rather smitten with this video.

If you don't laugh when you watch this, you're dead inside. Seek help.

So, I put together a few Flickr Favourites, inspired by my love for these little cuties. If you'd like to see more sets of Flickr Favourites or share your own, head on over to Artmind to join in.

1. Catching her Zs! Sashimi, 2. one lump, 3. Munchtime! Scone + Bagel, 4. Untitled


  1. I didn't laugh but I did smile, am I only half-dead?! Loving cute The Hamsters :-) Can't wait to meet yours - didn't realise it was a Dwarf! I had two Dwarf The Hamsters a while back, 'Bilbo' and 'Frodo' :-) They got eviscted from our flat 'cos we weren't actually supposed to have any pets :-( The Budgies also had to go, as did The Mice - but they did at least let us keep The Goldfish!

  2. I am not dead inside. Very cute video and flickr photos. I wonder if anyone would watch a video of me kicking my feet while I eat?

  3. awwww. it's always good to know that i'm not dead inside.

    my Mr loved this and he's not one for cute things!


  4. So cute! Thank goodness I laughed! Not my usual thing either but my daughter will go bananas :) K

  5. Super cute mosaic!!
    My little one has mouse x8!!!!!
    One was cute - 8 is way to many =D

  6. oh my gosh, soooo cute!!!!
    I deeply love hamsters!

  7. That was waaay too cute! :D
    Thank you for sharing this! :)

  8. ahahah what a cute little thing! beautiful!!!!

  9. Very, very cute. I usually prefer larger, cuddlier creatures, but these little guys are just adorable!

  10. I LOVE it! The video is MIGHTY cute and I laughed my socks off - although I'm a giggly type of person & I laugh a lot so perhaps I'm not a reference! ;)
    Love your mosaic too! :)

  11. Ahhhhh!!! Super cute, super super!! I love hamsters and I'm happy...I'm not dead inside!!
    And your mosaic is super cute too!!

  12. That's what my feet do when I have a really good chocolate mousse:D

  13. a great way to start the day! very sweet!

  14. So cute! Just had to watch it a handful of times though as my son clocked it and insisted watching it over and over! "Mummy, it's eating brocoyi!".

  15. Awww so cute hun realt made me smile just what I needed !


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