
Friday, 28 August 2009

Scrapbooking Central

For some reason, after a few nights of fantastic sleep at perfectly reasonable hours, I can't sleep. Why? Oh, why? Could it be that the world of scrapbooking is just too exciting? I have no idea, but I thought that I might as well pass the time by telling you all about the things that have caught my interest recently -

Shimelle. In the last week Shimelle has: posted a pretty fine Travel Journal Tutorial for Ali Edwards, scouted out fantastic crafty tutorials and organised kits and sign ups for her new class Learn Something New Every Day - which I'm so excited to be participating in over the next month! People have no right to be this damn talented.

Melissa. Melissa is creator and Design Team Co-ordinator for the new challenge blog It's All About Me and, in the middle of co-ordinating Design Team applications, starting a new (and very friendly forum) and working full-time, she's bravely started her own business Creatividad Designs, designing wedding invitations and stationery. How's that for entrepreneurial spirit?

Kara. Kara has a wonderful, whimsical scrapbooking style all of her own, is a talented photographer and an extremely creative and supportive teacher. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to details of her autumn class, because her last class rocked. If you missed Music + Art Journalling Adventure it's now available in her etsy store The Sequined Shoe.

Have you been inspired by something in the scrapbooking world - or craft world in general - recently? If you have, please leave a comment telling me all about it, it's not as if I really need any sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Here I am on the tail end of my day {I still find myself wanting to do something but figure I better not get started on much of anything}trying to get a little more water into me[and going cross-eyed because my little altered duck is in my face]and thought about blog hopping until I fall off my chair sleeping and here I am...and here you are. Inspiring? I think it would be pam garrison and her journal pages and her stitched swatches. I'm sure there are more, I'm getting sleepy and my words tend to get mixed up...I need to go google what I think is my fave decade, so I'll see at your mini album tut. H-happies. Me, myself and I.


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