
Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Yesterday I Was Trying So Hard Not To Cry...

...but today, I feel fine. Isn't Keri Noble awesome? There's never an angsty day when her lyrics don't speak to me somehow. I'm feeling a little less, um, fragile today but since I had another of Keri's tunes rolling around in my head yesterday, I'd like to share. You may have heard the Kelly Clarkson version, but I prefer the original.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry it wasn't you, I was feeling blue as well. I'm so glad you're feeling better too!Headache and storm free.

    I didn't get round to writing my to do list because I was busy munching on cupcakes and lots of sweet things. It's safe to say that Piglet and Parsley didn't have much of a role to play in this tea party!

    I've never heard of Keri Noble, but I like the song. I shall put it in my pocket for another gloomy, rainy know...just in case.

    Keep your chin up :)


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