
Friday, 19 June 2009

Ready For The Weekend

I was feeling a little lack lustre yesterday - somedays you just wake up tired - and spent rather too much time fannying about on the internet looking for inspiration - okay, okay - I was avoiding work! Anyway, I came across a video of this little lovely - Chipswow - on This Old Dress and was enthralled. I needed to share.

I especially like the cover version of Regina Spektor's 'Us', but loved this tune best of all. Now press play. I promise it will take you into the weekend with a big smile on your face!


  1. Natural, organic, unpolished, Sensational !!!!! I hope my little girl grows up with as much spirit as these girls :)

  2. This is soooo cute! I'm with you Leonie - what we wish for our daughters. My rocker-chick 9 year old would love this! K


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