
Wednesday, 17 June 2009

My (Un)Creative Space

Since stumbling over Leonie's lovely blog - Raglan Guld - and discovering her new love of piano playing, I've been a little bit inspired by her participation in My Creative Space every Wednesday. (Edited. It's supposed to be on a Thursday. Um. Just goes to show I have my head up You can find out more - like when to play along - by visiting Kootoyoo.)

Unfortunately, my space isn't all that creative at the moment. What's worse it that it's all my own fault.

Oh, yes! I've been tidying.

The good thing has been finding all of those long forgotten "Ooh. I could use that for something." items that have been saved with future creative projects in mind. The bad thing is that, in trying to tidy one room in the house, the remaining rooms now look as though a whirlwind has ripped through the house, bringing it with it all manner of rubbish and helpfully depositing many half empty cups of tea in each room.

Once I've finished concentrating on the final week of my photography course (and putting together the dreaded portfolio!!!) I'll be needing several weeks just to get back on track. In the meantime, I thought I would attempt to garner some sympathy by displaying what will, hopefully, become known as the before pictures of My Creative Space.

My (Un)Creative Space

The dining room is currently full of crap stuff um...lovely things ready for use, re-use and re-fashioning and can't actually be used as a dining room until everything has found a new place to live.

My (Un)Creative Space

If anyone has any inspiration for craft storage, please let me know.


  1. Ikea kitchens. Seriously, they have some really great storage systems for kitchens and bedrooms that are actually great for keeping tidy all sorts of bits and pieces, used to keep a lot of my drawing stuff in a little wooden unit i got from there. But be proud, the chaos has to come before the zen calm, otherwise you wouldn't appreciate it! xxxx

  2. Hi Ya Clair, I'll post a few pics so you can SEE...sometimes when you(ME) start trying to explain things it can get jumbled!!! The one really important thing if you haven't already done so is to look about and see what you already have, traditional and non-traditional. Happy happies. Joyce

  3. Yippee! thanks for playing, we are going to have so much fun together!!

  4. I plan to tackle my "lovely things ready for use" next week.

  5. Wow I would love to have a little look through that lot. It is great to discover 'lost' items isn't it!

  6. Oh all sorts of exciting things in your creative space. I notice a notebook from paperchase which I also have. I love the red polka dot.

  7. It doesn't look that bad! But I know what you mean, with order comes clarity... or something like that! ;) Great to see you on creative space - welcome! Thanks for visiting my blog + your lovely comments. K


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