
Thursday, 28 May 2009

(Things I Love Thursdays!) Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway

Laura's latest post at I'm An Organising Junkie is all about the things that we put off because we're afraid of failing. Now, Laura has been putting off baking her dream Strawberry & Rhubarb Pie. which might seem like an odd thing to put off for fear of failing. But since I've been putting off getting back to the gym because I'm afraid that I'm not fit enough (I know, I know) I'm not really the right person to be making any judgements!

Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway (Things I Love Thursdays!)

In fact, there are so many things that I've been putting off because I'm afraid that I might fail. Important and life changing decisions, along with small and seemingly insignificant changes. I know that many of these things are achieveable - although not always easy - because I've done them before. I've been fit and healthy; I've been organised and on top off my game; I've done things that have scared me and been okay.

Weirdly, I made a huge decision earlier in the year to leave a steady, well paid job in a time of recession and that decision doesn't bother me at all! (The alternative of staying in a job I hated, and that was destroying my self confidence, was far more scary!) The rest should be simple.

All it takes is a bit of effort and a lot of self belief - having some inspiration and support is an added bonus. If you need some (more) inspiration I recommend the following -

An awesome article by Kelly Rae that I could read every day. It makes me feel happy and free knowing, that step by step, I can achieve my wildest dreams.

Danaan Parry has written a really interesting story on embracing change at The Earthstewards site.

And lastly, I wanted to share this hugely inspirational post by Melody Ross who has written an honest, and extremely brave, post about losing it all and finding what matters.


  1. I'm the queen of putting things off due to fear of glad to know I'm not alone. I'm excited to check out some of the other links you mentioned.

    Thanks for coming by today,

  2. Have you forgotten to laugh at your stuff ups!!! What we think are failures may be the biggest laugh you get all year. Don't hold your spirit in, let the poor bugger our and enjoy yourself. Hey love your blog, the pics are great. (Oooh and some of us find "Our own truth" in our thirties, Its an amazing age) xx

  3. I forgot, go and buy a piano, I got mine at a garage sale for $100 and it was tuned!!! Its time you started to play again!!!!

  4. Oh Leonie. I promise you, I've not forgotten how to laugh at my mistakes and there's so many of them! I've not got space for a piano at the moment (decorating woes) but I might start with something small. A recorder? Kazoo? Triangle? :)


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